Affordable Language Resources
Here at Affordable Languages Services we want to provide you with the resources to assist your ongoing translation and interpretation efforts. Here’s a centralized location for downloads and tools to help. From advice on how best to hire a translation specialist to how much translations should cost, we’ve organized our content assets in one central location. Be sure to check back frequently for updates!
Buying Translation Services
Translation Buyer Checklist – This 10 point checklist includes the most important things we’ve learned in our thirteen years of experience that apply to any translation project.
Tips and Tools
Manufacturing Translation Tips – These 9 tips will help you understand how to get the most from your manufacturing translations.
Popular Blog Posts
Technical Translation Services: The One Thing You Must Have. Manufacturing and technical translations can be a huge undertaking, even for the most experienced and efficient translators. This is the one thing you need for a successful undertaking.
Translation Rates – 6 Easy Steps to get Quality and Value. Six easy steps to improve your translation rates and maintain value.
Medical Translation Services & Costs: What You Need to Know. Five important considerations for medical translation projects.