Who is Entitled to Language Services?

Not everyone understands who is entitled to an interpreter or translator. The government doesn’t make it any easier using their own “language” to explain. Reading Executive Order 13166, I start to wonder if I should be entitled to an interpreter. Does anyone speak “Congressese?” In a nutshell, the executive order, which was signed into law by […]

Are Interpreters Really a Necessity?

What would you do if an individual walked into your place of work and did not speak English? Would you know if this person is legally entitled to an interpreter? Better yet, would you provide the individual an interpreter, or would you turn them away because you were not able to communicate with them? Many […]

Learn a Language in 2014 – Part 1

It’s time to make your resolutions for the new year. While I may not be able to give you any advice about losing weight or kicking that bad habit, I can help when it comes to the most in-demand job skill: fluency in a foreign language. There are so many different ways to learn a language […]