Going Global? Business Translation Services You May Need

Is your company poised to leap into overseas markets? From the acquisition of weakened companies to selling products overseas, there are many pathways to international business, and American companies are leaping at the chance to “go global.” For instance,ABC News has reported on the uptick in American-made products being exported overseas. As ABC writer Sharyn Alfonsi […]

Interpretation and Translation Values?! Are They Important?

JV Almeda is the Internal Operations Manager at ALS “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become.”  ―Margaret Thatcher I […]

Corporate Website Translation: By the Numbers

Globalization market research leader Common Sense Advisory recently released an infographic that every business translation service will find fascinating. If you’re interested in expanding your business into overseas markets, perhaps through website translation, you’ll also want to review the amazing statistics contained in this infographic, which we delineate below. The total spending power of all […]

Health Information and Medical Translations in Many Languages

Health education specialists from four health systems in Ohio have made a website which provides plain-language health education resources for health care professionals and others working in communities with limited English proficient populations. Do you need a medical translation?  Affordable Language Services offers translation in over 200 languages!

5 Things to Keep in Mind with a Business Website Translation

Given that 75 percent of internet users do not use English as their primary language, web translation can open up huge new markets for businesses. Indeed, web translation often results in a 50-75 percent ROI – and this is only in the first year or so. Since you will see ongoing profits the longer your […]

3 Reasons Website Translation Can Work for Your Business

A corporate website translation can take your business to the next level, allowing you to accommodate, inform and expand your audience and market share. Whether it’s the high-tech millennial generation or just your average savvy business person, people all over the world are hitting the web to find information and vendors. We’ve compiled the top […]